He says that you can't put a price tag on health and to stay fit both physically and mentally, we need clean surroundings. Being an entrepreneur himself, he is aware of how much damage humans do to the environment…felling trees to make way for roads and buildings is something he doesn’t advocate, Shamanna Soma Shekar has successfully transplanted 10 trees to a safer place. Shamanna Soma Shekar strives to spread the benefits of reforestation - it helps humans to address world hunger issues and deal with water usage and availability. Forests are home to many animals which play an important part in the food chain. Restoring forests and having adequate number of plants in cities has many benefits on the chemical, social and biological levels of an entire ecosystem. The air we breathe can be catastrophic if it’s not clean, the only way to make sure there is enough oxygen is to have enough trees. Trees reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases, they provide a home and food to many species, and have a crucial part to play in maintaining the temperature of a place. There is a pressing urgency on planting more trees and the plan shortly is to host a tree plantation drive.